Saturday, July 17, 2010

Weight Training for Cyclists

An elderly improves his torso performance at w...Image via Wikipedia

Weight Training for Cyclists Cycling is a fantastic activity to maintain top notch fitness levels. Even if most of us are not in the league of Lance Armstrong and the likes, cycling for fun every day is a great way to be fit and healthy. How, for those who compete at national and international levels in this sport, practicing only cycling is not enough. A are require to do strength and endurance build exercises for excelling in cycling races.

One of the aspects of these strength build exercises is weight training. Weight training for cyclists has been a contentious issue with regards to its effectiveness. A guess cyclists would agree to the fact that there are positive outcomes of weight training. Hence, here is more on weight training workouts for cyclists.This is because increasing physical strength is a proven medicine for mental weakness.Using a Smith machine, do a combination of front or rear lunges to go with the weights. This is great for your entire lower body and not just legs. Begin with lighter weights and once your legs get used to the weight, increase it.

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